Flash Competition

Throughout June, we’re inviting flash submissions in response to one of two prompts below!

We were inspired to set these prompts by talking about our own books, Sins of My Father and Mischief Acts, which were published on the same day this year but take very different approaches. To be perfectly honest: Zoe is a little bit scared of writing directly from her own life, and Lily is a little bit scared of writing fantastical fiction. So, we’re sharing the fear, and encouraging you to tackle the prompt that feels least comfortable!

The Prompts

A. Tell the story of your life in a flash memoir by following one type of image that recurs in three or so episodes of your life. It could be songs, food, clothes, hairstyles, furniture, houses, cars.

B. The spirit of a wild place manifests itself in physical form. What shape does it take? What message does it have?


Please send your piece, which can be up to 200 words in any genre, to ennis@londonlitlab.co.uk by 30th June 2022.


We will publish all the pieces we receive here on our website (unless you ask us not to, which is absolutely fine), and choose a winner by 14th July 2022.

The winner will receive a £25 discount on any London Lit Lab course that starts before 1st June 2023, and a free copy of both Sins of My Father by Lily Dunn and Mischief Acts by Zoe Gilbert.

Small print

Please only send us your own writing. If we deem any of the pieces we receive to be offensive, to us or to potential readers on our website, we won’t publish them here.

We look forward to reading your stories! And for flash lovers, or the flash-curious, Stephanie Carty’s online course Art of Play: Enhancing your Flash Fiction starts on June 20th.